Wednesday, April 1, 2009

100 Free sites to learn about anything and everything

1.     5min
Life Videopedia
- instructional and how-to videos

2.     Alison
- free global learning experience

- Guidance, not guesswork. 750 experts to help you

4.     About.U
- Courses by email

5.     Academic Earth - Thousands of video lectures from the
world's top scholars

6.     AllExperts - Ask any question! is the oldest
& largest free Q&A service on the Internet

7.     Answerbag - Ask questions and share your knowledge with the

8.     Anything - Learn.Anything.Network

9.     BBC
- a
range of online-based courses that you can work through at your own pace

10.  BrainHoney
- a social learning environment where anyone can teach a lesson on any subject.
Users can rank lessons and collaborate as they learn from each other.

11.  BrainPop - creates animated,
curriculum-based content that supports educators and engages students

12.  Campusbug -
combines social networking, online education, and e-commerce into a simple and
easy-to-use online experience.

13.  Carnegie Mellon Open
Learning Institute (OLI)
OLI builds courses that are intended to enact
instruction – or, more precisely, to enact the kind of dynamic, flexible, and
responsive instruction that fosters learning.

14.  Connexions - A place
to view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called
modules that can be organized as courses, books, reports, etc.

15.  Course Hero
- a Social Learning Network built to provide students and key learning partners
like professors a platform to share, meet and collaborate while accelerating
their comprehension of course-related theories and concepts

16.  E-Books
- a daily growing list of freely downloadable ebooks, documents
and lecture notes found all over the internet.

17.  EdSurf
- The online distance education learning resource for adult students

- Education podcasts from universities, colleges, students, teachers --
everyone who uses podcasting to learn and to teach others

- Verified facts, information, and biographies from trusted sources

20.  eHow - How to
do just about everything

21.  Encarta -
encyclpaedia, dictionaries, atlas, etc

22.  Experience Project - a community of everyday people
connecting anonymously through their shared life experiences & passions.

23.  Expert
- How to videos, free video clips and more

24.  Flat
- Free online textbooks

25.  Free and
Affordable Distance Education
- tutorials, courses, tests, test prep

26. - The world's largest, fastest growing, most
highly regarded source of totally free

27.  FreeSkills
- over 650 free tutorials

- free tutorials

29.  GCF Learn
- The freedom to learn, what you want, when you want

30.  Google Video
- videos on all topics

31.  Graspr - The
instructional video network

32.  Gresham College Lecture Archive - recorded lectures from
Gresham College

33.  Hippcampus
- Free one-stop educational resource

34.  Howcast -
How-to videos

35.  How stuff
- Online reference tool

36.  HowToDoThings
- "a site that solves people’s problems"

37.  How To books
- read free online books

38.  infoplease
- All the knowledge you need

39.  Instructables
- Make, HowTo and DIY

40.  iPL - The
Internet Public Library

41.  iTunes Podcasts - The iTunes Store offers more than 100,000
audio and video podcasts

42.  iTunes U - Faculty are using iTunes U to distribute digital
lessons to their students, e.g Stangord, Trinity College Dublin, etc.

43.  KnowledgeHound
- The HowTo Hunter

44.  LazyLibrary - Find books on
any topic without having to worry about high page counts. If it's over 200
pages, you won't even see it

45. - Teacher resources and
teacher professional development programming across the curriculum

- Online games and communities for adults and communities

47.  Learn Everything
guidance from real people searching for the best the Internet has to offer

48.  LeanHub - the communities and
experts to help you get ahead in education so you can get ahead in life!

49.  Learning by screencast
- Using screencasts to teach

50.  Learningpage - provides
a huge collection of professionally produced instructional materials you can
download and print. Lesson plans, books, worksheets, and much more

51.  LearnOutLoud
one-stop destination for audio
and video learning (many free)

52.  LearnThat - Free tutorials
and free courses

53.  LessonBItes - Provides
lessons in bite sizes (like individual tracks of a CD) so you can learn what
you want

54.  Mahalo Answers - you
can ask and answer questions on any topic

55.  MindBites - Video instructional
marketplace and publishing platform (Some free)

56.  MindZeit - helping you
develop through multimedia

57.  MIT OpenCourseWare
lecture notes, exams, and videos from MIT.

58.  MonkeySee
- HowTo videos

59.  Mosio - a mobile community
enabling you to text any question from your phone and have it answered by real

60.  Moving
Image Archive
This library contains thousands of digital movies uploaded by
Archive users which range from classic full-length films, to daily alternative
news broadcasts, to cartoons and concerts.

61. - the
online learning portal from The Open University and the BBC.

62.  OpenLearn - free access to Open
University course materials.

63.  Open
Of Course
- your education when you need it and how you need it. Free for
you to use, edit and redistribute

64.  Open Yale - provides free and open
access to a selection of introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers
and scholars at Yale University.

65.  Podcast Alley - Featuring the best
Podcast Directory and the Top 10 podcasts, as voted on by the listeners.

66.  PodcastDirectory
- This education podcast database has been constructed and is maintained by
David Noble

67.  Questia
- trusted online research

68.  Questioon
- a social utility enabling you to pose questions to Google or Real People.

69.  Refdesk -
Fact checker for the Internet

- a multi-source encyclopedia search service

71.  School of
- a community of people teaching and learning.

72.  SchoolTube
- provides students and educators a safe, world class, and FREE media sharing
website that is nationally endorsed by premier education associations

73.  Sclipo - helps you to teach and
learn just about everything, from technology to languages or cooking, and
connects you with people of common interests.

74.  Slideshare - presentation
slidesets on many different topics

75.  Sofia - an open content
initiative that encourages the  free exchange of community
materials on the World Wide Web.

76. - teaches you how to do
all the things nobody taught you in school

77.  Squidoo -
Ideas, recommendations and more

78.  SuTree - learn
virtually everything by watching how to videos from all over the web.

79.  TeacherTube
- educational videos

80.  TED (Technology, Entertainment,
a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from
the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to
engage with ideas and each other.

81.  Tufts Open Courseware
- start of a new educational movement initiated by MIT that provides free
access to course content for everyone online.

82.  TV Lesson - How to videos

83.  Twittez - a
simple Twitter application that lets you get your answers from fellow Twitters,
all you have to do is tweet with "
does anyone know?"
with your question

84.  UMass Boston OCW - free and open
educational resource for faculty, students, and self-learners world wide.

85.  University of the People -
s the world’s first tuition-free, online
academic institution and will open its virtual doors in April 2009

86.  Unnecessary
for entertaining facts and information (which might or might not
be true!)

87.  Video Jug - Life explained.
On film.

88.  Vimeo - a thriving community of
people who love to make and share video

89.  U-Now
- University of Nottingham’s formal open courseware initiative

90.  University of
Southern Queensland OpenCourseWare
- provides access to free and open
educational resources for faculty members, students, and self-learners throughout
the world

91.  Ustream - watch live broadcasts,
explore networks ranging from music, talk shows, sports and politics and/or
review our past broadcasts.

- Over 350 categories of free, first-rate, family-safe online tutorials,
guides and instructionally oriented websites

93.  Webcast/Courses
- free courses from University of Berkeley at California

94.  WikiAnswers - a wiki-based Q&A
project powered by contributors from all walks of life. Anyone can ask, answer
or edit questions, building a global Q&A database, covering all topics.

95.  Wikieducator - Free eLearning content that anyone can edit
and use

96.  Wikipedia -
collaborative encyclopaedia

97.  WikiHow 
The how-to manual that anyone can write or edit

98.  Wikiversity
- A community for the creation and use of free learning materials and

99.  WonderHowTo - hand-selects and
curates the best instructional videos from over 1,700 websites

- ask, answer and/or discover

YouTube -
videos on everything under the sun

YouTube EDU -
all the videos from more than 100 institutions of higher education around the